Kids say the funniest things

By embarrassedmom - 18/05/2009 01:19 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old daughter saw a man in a wheelchair whose leg had been amputated. She walks up to him and says, "What happened?" He answers kindly that he's a war veteran. She then responds, "Well then you deserve to get your leg blown off. You shouldn't be killing people." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 546
You deserved it 25 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have have taught you're daughter some common coutesy by now

mehwhateverr 0

That is so messed up. Poor guy. FHL.


82 -- freedom is usually taken away by the same means, and assuming he's a veteran from a recent American war he didn't lose his leg for "freedom".

Today a 6 year old made me so angry i blamed the mom. I am 38 FML that should be the fml of the day lol. and omg people are busting out the liberal and RIGHT WING words out gj. as bill cosby would say KIDZ SAI THE DARRRNEST THiNGS. POkEMon!?!>?1

greatnt249 0

"Your little girl is a genius, and she should be lauded for having the common sense of realizing that "orders is orders" is a terrible excuse to engage the totalitarian conduct of war." You clearly miss the point; go after the politicians who support the wars you hate so much instead of demonizing those who sign the dotted line to protect their country.

I agree with (28 i think) "I have an idea, why don't you teach your kid that it's not the soldiers who start wars, it's the politicians who do that." you can disagree with war or agree with it. but its not the vets fault. its the politicians.

Wow... my mind is blown that you people will refuse to put a half second's thought into what you say. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need a military, we wouldn't need soldiers, and veterans like this man wouldn't have to make the sacrifices that they do. I'm by no means a violent person, but if I heard an adult say or agree with something along the lines of what that girl said, I'd have a difficult time refraining from bashing their face in. Show some f***ing respect, and pull your self righteous, pragmatic, enlightened head out of your ass.

#86 the only reason YOUR people were in any kind of danger in the first place, was because you people put your foot in it. if they didn't no one would have been in danger of anything. And as you hate democrats so much I would very much like to point you to the past 8 years. Great going Republicans good work.

laura171717 0

#25 says "us vetrens" as if they are one. I find it hard to believe that a veteran would not know how to spell the word veteran. 25, I'm calling your awful bluff. How dare you pretend to be a veteran? You disgust me. As for the girl, I would have hoped you had taught her some manners by that age. Apparently not. I hope you have corrected that now. I believe you taught her this opinion. When you teach someone a strong controversial opinion, and do not teach them to keep it to themselves, this is what happens. You probably should have seen this coming. Please change your ways for your daughter's sake. She needs proper parenting.

The obvious thing is the 6 year old picked it up at home, and Mom probably thought it was so cute and posted it here. It's not, it's sick and at the age of 6 you DO know better. Watch her - by the age of 14, she'll likely have her ankles pinned behind her ears.

hlks 0

Why are you people taking this so serious, it's just an FML. Chill will you :)