Kids say the funniest things

By embarrassedmom - 18/05/2009 01:19 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old daughter saw a man in a wheelchair whose leg had been amputated. She walks up to him and says, "What happened?" He answers kindly that he's a war veteran. She then responds, "Well then you deserve to get your leg blown off. You shouldn't be killing people." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 547
You deserved it 25 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have have taught you're daughter some common coutesy by now

mehwhateverr 0

That is so messed up. Poor guy. FHL.


greatnt249 0

"The point i was making" You have a rather odd way of "making points"; see, typically a point is clear from the outset, whereas with you, the "point you were trying to make" hardly correlates with the initial statement(s) that you had made. This leads to two possible conclusions: a) you're not good at making concise points, or b) you're merely backpeddling because you've been cornered on a hardly-qualified opinion. "He lost it trying to help someone that couldn't stand up and fight for it themselves." You keep telling yourself that; the Iraqis are more than qualified to fight for themselves now. Then again, this whole mess might not have happened had the US and the rest of the Triple Entente not established arbitrary boundaries for countries in the Middle East following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I.

The point was more than clear from the outset, just because you are too ignorant to understand that, it does not fall on my shoulders but on yours and whatever awful education system you went through as a child.

Well, the girl knows that soldiers are trained to kill, and she was taught that killing is very very wrong, so she drew the logical conclusions. Clever! I guess all those who yell "Bad parents!" tell their children that killing people is acceptable or even good as long as they are the enemy. Well, guess what? The terrorists on this world tell their children exactly the same. So all you haters, be proud of yourself for being just like them.

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Good for her for having that opinion, but she should be more polite.

greatnt249 0

"The point was more than clear from the outset, just because you are too ignorant to understand that, it does not fall on my shoulders but on yours and whatever awful education system you went through as a child." Quit projecting your disjointed opinions, bad writing skills, and generally poor understanding of history onto me. Word salads make sense to schizophrenics, but that doesn't make everyone else stupid for being unable to understand incoherent rambling. Again, I ask...what did you major in? "Clever! I guess all those who yell "Bad parents!" tell their children that killing people is acceptable or even good as long as they are the enemy." Strawman argument.

Loe_307 0

#16, Yes, I'm sure EVERY Vietnam vet did that. Get a life. And huge numbers of those vets were drafted against their will. (Not sure that's how I wanted to say it but whatever.) They went and served anyway even when they disagreed with the cause. THAT is what makes them heroes. The fact that they would die for you and this country even if it were for something they disagreed with. Next time you see a "baby killer" go up and say thank you.

grazynaanka 0

Oh please #113 I hardly think any one of us condones killing. We are talking about the lack of respect the child showed towards someone.

Wow Great and Moji. Getting two seperate posts mixed togther huh? Did I ever say that I think the Iraqi army is strong enough to fight for themselves? Thank you for putting words into my mouth. I'm sure the two of you have served time there like I have (37 months total) but I guess I have no clue huh. I'm sorry but I will be unable to respond after this post so I wish you both the best.

dude, that's ******* horrible. whether or not you agree with the war, anyone who has the balls to risk their life for a cause is a hero.

I did not 'major' in anything, I have a degree in history from a prestigious English university. I feel that my 'generally poor understanding of history' is far superior to your understanding of anything. If the original comment was read in context rather then, like it or not, it did clearly make sense.