Kids say the funniest things

By embarrassedmom - 18/05/2009 01:19 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old daughter saw a man in a wheelchair whose leg had been amputated. She walks up to him and says, "What happened?" He answers kindly that he's a war veteran. She then responds, "Well then you deserve to get your leg blown off. You shouldn't be killing people." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 546
You deserved it 25 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have have taught you're daughter some common coutesy by now

mehwhateverr 0

That is so messed up. Poor guy. FHL.


number 70 obviously knows the parent. stop assuming. i cant stand arrogance when people think they know everything making up scenarios as if they were there. worse than a child

g_rizzle_86330 0

ok #70 you have it right the lady put it on here because she is upset about her kid saying thing to the vet. i helped in blowing it to something bigger. i bow to your wisdom

75 the response was actually to the guy who was xenophobic towards other countries, had little to do the guy who had his legs blown off and no he didnt deserve it. That said, Vietnam was a pointless war and just because congress decides someone is an enemy that really doesnt mean a lot.

lol **** all the patriots on this forum. Your little girl is a genius, and she should be lauded for having the common sense of realizing that "orders is orders" is a terrible excuse to engage the totalitarian conduct of war. And as much as I sympathize with people who join militaries for financial reasons, the same excuse (poverty) can be made for terrorists. Poverty can lead people to do ****** up things, it's a pity, but who cares, it's still ****** up. You pick up a gun to kill people in a foreign country, for whatever reason, get ready to have your leg blown off and get told off by a six-year-old.

Wow I'm amazed of how many liberals come out of the woodwork when they can hide behind an online name. Liberals won't be happy till they bring back spitting on soldiers. I also love how everyone is saying that killing is wrong. Hmmm just how did we win the very freedom to say that without getting into trouble? From the barrel of a gun. Remember who paid in blood to give you the freedom you enjoy today.

#70 + #79. Unwed mother?! what in the world does that have to do with anything. And sorry protecting America from WHAT!? You're clearly a genius considering a 6 year old an adolescent.

namelessfew 0
greatnt249 0

"ok 56 ho chi min (please excuse my spelling) was an american enemy determined by our congress." That means absolutely squat; they also deemed Oppenheimer an "enemy" for arguing against the development of the hydrogen bomb. "Dulce et decorum est"... patria mori.

#2, while you're preaching about learning common courtesy, how about learning the difference between 'you're' and 'your' =] lovely

jewelzgalore 0

Vietnam was not fought for the most admirable reason. However, it is important to keep in mind that there was a draft and many soldiers did not willingly fight. Also, the government used propaganda to blow up the "foreboding threat of communism," so many people were deceived into believing it was fought for a noble cause. But if you think about it, every war America has been involved in has been over a petty reason. For the Revolutionary War it was because they were annoyed about paying increased taxes. For the War of 1812 it was to seek control of Canada. A major reason the Civil War was fought because of the North's and South's ideological differences over the expansion of slavery. World War I because America wanted to aid Britain and get rich off of trade. World War II, well, they knew the Japanese were going to attack because America cut off trading oil with it, and Japan needed oil.