Bad timing

By screwedupfuck - 27/03/2015 21:19 - United States - Lowell

Today, I was at a big meeting at work. The CEO was reaming the hell out of us for our recent poor profits, when I accidentally let rip a vile fart. I was then subjected to a 10 minute tirade of abuse for "trying to be a funny man", and told that whatever small chance I had for a promotion is now gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 451
You deserved it 6 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I were in that room I'm not sure I would have been able to contain my laughter. Farts in tense situations are always funny.

you were probably not gonna get a promotion anyway if your profits are that poor..


If I were in that room I'm not sure I would have been able to contain my laughter. Farts in tense situations are always funny.

you were probably not gonna get a promotion anyway if your profits are that poor..

Your boss needs to let some farts out.

i was told that the average person passes gas around 17 times a day, pretty sad if you lose out on a promotion because of a natural fluff, that happens to everyone on the planet :-(

I completely agree. Op, maybe wait a day or two until your boss calms down a bit, then explain to him that you weren't feeling great and in no way was trying to be funny. Tell him you physically couldn't hold it in any longer, as much as you tried. Also tell him that you plan on working on your profits and would still like to be considered for any promotion that becomes available. Then work your butt off and prove to him that you're the best guy for any promotion that comes up. Good luck Op!

#20 I have a feeling that if he even tried to excuse himself the boss would have berated him anyway.

Nervous farting is a serious condition.

just turn your head and stare at the person next to you in disgust and try to pass the blame on them

So what you are saying is you were ripped a new one....twice?