Kids say the funniest things

By embarrassedmom - 18/05/2009 01:19 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old daughter saw a man in a wheelchair whose leg had been amputated. She walks up to him and says, "What happened?" He answers kindly that he's a war veteran. She then responds, "Well then you deserve to get your leg blown off. You shouldn't be killing people." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 546
You deserved it 25 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have have taught you're daughter some common coutesy by now

mehwhateverr 0

That is so messed up. Poor guy. FHL.


mehwhateverr 0

Teach your kid advanced morals. Murdering is wrong, killing might sometimes not be. Still, is she is such a hardliner on other morals, you raised her well on that point. Way to go.

greatnt249 0

"I cannot believe there are some people out there who still regard Vietnam veterans as heroes." It's not about regarding them as heroes; it's about showing respect to those who were shipped off (many involuntarily) to fight and die in a war that only the politicians wanted fought in order to "contain communism." "Go read some history books please." I suggest you actually look up the definition of "history," as yours seems to limit its scope entirely to the plots of Hollywood movies and sensationalism. "I think the little girl just used her normal human brain and heart." Normal people don't feel that those who serve to protect their nation deserve to have their limbs blown off for it. Before idiots bash me for supporting the current war, I don't; I just lack the naivete of those who believe that violence and force are never necessary.

#39 I don't think you can ever justify killing. But I agree with you on everything else.

greatnt249 0

"on the other, killing another person is never right regardless of what context we analyze it in" You're kidding me, right?

id say it depends on the war. if he was an old drafted veteran then thats pretty bad. but if he signed up for the war then he had it coming.

your daughter needs to learn to keep her thoughts in her brain.

#40 I have a degree in the subject thank you. As for violence and force sure, when it is called for, majority of wars in which US finds itself don't tend to require its assistance. Team America maybe hollywood and what not but sadly its not that far from the truth.

#41 can't really blame people for an accident. Also can't really blame people for shooting back in a war trying to defend your friends and family. It's a fine line, if there is one at all, thus why it's a good kid.