Great question, I'm glad you asked

By partycats - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to a funeral. When I got there, I hugged one of the family members and he asked, "How are you?" Out of habit, I replied, "Good, how about you?" He looked appalled and shouted "How the fuck do you think I am?! My mother just died!" loud enough for everyone to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 998
You deserved it 19 922

Top comments

Jesus Christ, that sucks for you. I understand his mother just died, but seriously, no need to make a scene. It's the same as asking "How are you holding up?"

Wow, talk about over-reaction. FYL for having a family member like that.


netbeui435 3

that was unnecessary indeed! he should't make a scene like that. But maybe he was very confused. Im sure he didn't mean it like that, sorry though

YDI. Think before you speak, especially on weddings, funerals and alike.

Weddings? xD There's a difference between weddings and funerals, what's wrong with asking how someone is at a wedding? The worst thing they can do is burst into tears if the couple kisses when you ask the question xD

Grieving or no that's totally unnecessary. You could potentially have replied to his initial question 'I'm at a funeral, how the **** do you think I am'. Bereavement gives you credit for being an arse, not carte blanche.

sleepreader 0

wait, so "bereavement gives you credit for being an ass but not a white map"????? um... wait... what??? jk im just trolling... but still

What a dick. I know his/her mother just died but there's no need to react like that. What's wrong with asking how someone is doing? Obvioiusly you know they aren't over the moon but you can still want to know they are coping. Still, their mopther did just die so I suppose they should be cut some slack, their bound to be a bit emotional.

hawaiianxpunchx3 0

you dont deserve that! he should have been more polite.

ilatsko 0

I lost my dad and I was respectful to EVERYONE who showed up to the funeral. And they ALL asked me how I was doing. This is not close to being real.

This FML isn't real because you reacted differently that someone else at a funeral. That's pretty stupid for you to think dude.... OP: That sucks dude, he definitely overreacted...

angryseatroll 5

That sucks. I mean. You were asking how he was. You weren't saying anything like "how's life treating you?" or something. I feel bad for him but he should have understood. I ask that to people when I am at funerals. Is basicly saying. Are you doing ok?

ely46 0

FYL, many people ask the family members at funerals how they are or how they are doing. It is a perfectly normal and and acceptable question. The person obviously overreacted. Don't take it to heart though, he did just lose his mother and is, undoubtably, stressed out. I doubt anyone else at the funeral home thought bad of you for it. Asking "how are you?" is a normal reflex question to ask someone, just like when leaving you tell someone "see you later", not really appropriate when someone is on their death bed, but still nothing to get upset about. We saw that a lot with both my grandmothers this year. Luckily, for the people who said it, my family is light-hearted enough to know that no harm was meant by the comment.