Great question, I'm glad you asked

By partycats - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to a funeral. When I got there, I hugged one of the family members and he asked, "How are you?" Out of habit, I replied, "Good, how about you?" He looked appalled and shouted "How the fuck do you think I am?! My mother just died!" loud enough for everyone to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 998
You deserved it 19 922

Top comments

Jesus Christ, that sucks for you. I understand his mother just died, but seriously, no need to make a scene. It's the same as asking "How are you holding up?"

Wow, talk about over-reaction. FYL for having a family member like that.


Same thing happen to me once, though I didn't get screamed at. The guy just glared at me and didn't answer. I felt like shit.

oh my... i wouldnt know what to do. sucks man. i think that guy overreacted.

That really sucks... I always respond "good, thanks" when ever someone asks me how I am... I've made a habit of it... so I probably would have done the same thing, so don't feel bad.

LeCorsaire_fml 0

Wow, talk about over reacting. You should have decked him.

perfectwinds 0

When I was at my mom's funeral everyone, out of habit, asked me how I was after I asked "how are you." It's a force of habit, that person was just not handling it well. I just got really quiet or walked away when someone asked me that, but usually they caught themselves mid sentence or right after.

caltain 0

His response was totally inappropriate.

that's why I hate funerals... It was out of habit. Is that what we always say to ppl when they ask how we are? the guy shouldnt have made such a big scene. Just like #74 said. but yea....hate funerals....too much emotion like that for me.

ohhhh_Ashley 0

FYL. the guy overreacted. i've been to a few funerals and when they ask 'how are you doing?' it means 'are you okay?' i mean seriously he needs to chill.