Great question, I'm glad you asked

By partycats - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to a funeral. When I got there, I hugged one of the family members and he asked, "How are you?" Out of habit, I replied, "Good, how about you?" He looked appalled and shouted "How the fuck do you think I am?! My mother just died!" loud enough for everyone to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 998
You deserved it 19 922

Top comments

Jesus Christ, that sucks for you. I understand his mother just died, but seriously, no need to make a scene. It's the same as asking "How are you holding up?"

Wow, talk about over-reaction. FYL for having a family member like that.


I asked my grandmother how she was just following her mother's funeral. Her response? "I'm fine, dear, but I think you're standing in the way of traffic." The family member's response was uncalled-for. It would be rude *not* to ask someone how they're doing; it would be like ignoring the pink elephant in the room.

triplethreat13 0

the OP did nothing wrong, this isn't an FML

what a ******* ****. Even if it wasn't habit, I would have asked "how are u?" back to him. How the hell can he expect u to noe how he is holding up? PS: Was he a fat kid? they generally want attention. =P

oh dear, he asked you how you were first, it's obviously a habit to ask back. he should've of just said "not so great, you know with my mum and all, but thanks for asking."

That's embarrassing, but I wouldn't feel too bad about it. Honest mistake. I went to a wake recently for my boyfriend's uncle that passed away, and I didn't know the people in the receiving line too well, so I was really nervous. Out of habit and being anxious, I asked the first guy "how are you?" As soon as I said it I felt so mortified. Thankfully he was really gracious about it and said "I'm good, how are you?" And pretended I hadn't said anything dumb. Haha.

aaah i feel better now the same thing happeened to me a year ago ,i said '' whatsup''

Well, this is a FML because you were embarrassed in front of everyone in attendance... because the guy acted like an asshole. WTF.

Try thinking next time before you vomit out whatever vapid words come to your small, inconsiderate mind.

#62 is trying so hard to sound like a genius.

DoomJeff91 2

Shut the hell up, #62. I'd like to see you own a thesaurus and use it in an attempt to impress people over the internet! Haha. No seriously, what a chode.

You guys have a problem with the fact that I'm telling an inconsiderate idiot to watch her mouth?

ArielTheMermaid 17

81-when someone asks how you are, you generally say 'fine how are you' or whatever, regardless of where you are. the dude had absolutely no right to make a scene. you're and idiot if you think you would have come up with something better.