Get the hint

By -.- - 24/08/2013 23:54 - United States

Today, I suggestively asked my boyfriend to take a shower with me. He got in, washed himself, and got out, ignoring me the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 286
You deserved it 8 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heh, next time he suggests you get 'in bed' together just climb in and sleep, ignoring him.


look on the bright side, you still managed to get naked, hot, wet and steamy together

I think this could have gone much worse if he for some reason thought you had wanted a golden shower instead. Perhaps next time be clear on your intentions if he misunderstood what you were intending or maybe he did know and just wasn't in the mood for sex.

Unirigal: There is no such thing as an itouch.

Did you just stand there while he bathing himself?

martin8337 35
cookie1207 19

Hahahaha some people need to be told exactly what to do!

Sure there is... The new personal hand held device called "iTouch Myself"

Hahaha my bad, the phrase "ipod touch" isn't really in my daily vocabulary, it all sort of mushed together in my head. Although an itouch doesn't sound so bad least according to apologykick's definition ;D

Sorry OP, you should have made a move to get the point across though