Get the hint

By -.- - 24/08/2013 23:54 - United States

Today, I suggestively asked my boyfriend to take a shower with me. He got in, washed himself, and got out, ignoring me the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 286
You deserved it 8 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heh, next time he suggests you get 'in bed' together just climb in and sleep, ignoring him.


Well...he did do what you asked him to, no? Maybe pretend to drop a soap bar or something. ;)

could he have misunderstood? it sounds like first time mayb he was nervous. def talk about it tho.

I guess he wasn't in the mood so much...maybe he'll be up for it some other time...

It's like I keep saying. Many guys are stupid when it comes to what girls want. If you want more out of a shower together then spell it out for him.

Streetracer15 9

Next time he asks you to have sex say no but go to bed naked and Ignore him

I hate doing it in the shower. It washes away all the natural lubricant.

73- I doubt it, you can see many examples of teenagers looking as dumb as someone can be using sarcasm