Get the hint

By -.- - 24/08/2013 23:54 - United States

Today, I suggestively asked my boyfriend to take a shower with me. He got in, washed himself, and got out, ignoring me the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 286
You deserved it 8 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heh, next time he suggests you get 'in bed' together just climb in and sleep, ignoring him.


duma191 21

Was he mad at you or trying to prove a point about something? If not, maybe he recently discovered he's gay

Just because he doesn't want sex doesn't mean he is gay.

Well you did ask him to shower with you...

Truthfully, only intelligent people can understand sarcasm so i guess we're lucky...

nurchok 15

He took it waaaaay too literally :)

You should've grabbed him by the balls and pulled him back in

I thought it was funny too, people here on fml are too grumpy

Why didn't you make a move? And some people aren't interested in doing that.