By mottephobe - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I subbed for a first grade class. They were releasing butterflies. Butterflies scare me shitless. A bunch of 7 year-olds watched as I screamed hysterically when one landed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 726
You deserved it 37 373

Top comments

This reminds me of that episode of Pokémon where Caterpie was all up in Misty's everything and she was completely ******* terrified of it.


Butterflies are harmless though. Now if it were a spider.. Ew

hahahhaha that's so funny it's amazing wat ppl are afraid off!!

That's just sad! Come to Australia and see some creepy crawlies!

oh try being in a butterfly enclosure when you realise you have that fear.

MrsxBillxKaulitz 5

it's not like you can "choose" what you're afraid of. maybe OP had a bad experience with butterflies when he/she was younger. you're making it seem like you popped out of the womb and wad like "Hmm...what shall I be afraid of? oh! I know! butterflies!"

really now. butterflies? natures gayest insect? are you also afraid of trees, anything painted red, and doorknobs?

They flutter erratically and move fast. So yes, it is possible to be afraid of butterflies.

maddybug 0

It's ok! I hate bugs and if any of them try to come near me I do the exact same thing as you!

RavenNight 0

butterflies? really? thts jst sad

Sprklss 0

lol you're picture made me laugh :)