By mottephobe - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I subbed for a first grade class. They were releasing butterflies. Butterflies scare me shitless. A bunch of 7 year-olds watched as I screamed hysterically when one landed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 726
You deserved it 37 373

Top comments

This reminds me of that episode of Pokémon where Caterpie was all up in Misty's everything and she was completely ******* terrified of it.


@11 They aren't rational fears. It's called arachnophobia for a reason. A phobia is an irrational fear. I don't know the phobia for owls, but that is probably because its such a dumb fear to have. (spiders can at least kill you sometimes) Fear of owls is probably on par with fear of butterflies imo

Frelling 0

You have a fear of owls? that is pretty random. How often would you come into close contact with an owl?

What "same fear"? That butterflies go and do....what exactly? They're freaking butterflies!

Omg! Did they laugh? Maybe they thought it was a joke... or not.  *laughter*

rallets 22

the real question is how often would an owl come into contact with YOU?

Frelling 0

Actually it is the same question. Regardless of who initiates the contact both parties would still be in close contact.

sourgirl101 28

Come my lady Come come my lady You're my butterfly Come my lady you're my pretty baby I'll make your legs shake you make me go crazy..... That's "Crazy Town" talk.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who fears butterflies. I know it's a strange and silly fear but I run the other way when I see one. All my friends tease me about it, but you can't choose the phobia's you have.

dannyfont 5

but you can choose to face them

Screaming hysterically is a little over the top. Even I don't do that. But some can't always face their fears. It all depends on how afraid you are of them.

WallyTheWombat 0

What exactly is it about the butterfly that you're afraid of? Why are you scared of them? Just asking out of curiosity.