By mottephobe - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I subbed for a first grade class. They were releasing butterflies. Butterflies scare me shitless. A bunch of 7 year-olds watched as I screamed hysterically when one landed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 726
You deserved it 37 373

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This reminds me of that episode of Pokémon where Caterpie was all up in Misty's everything and she was completely ******* terrified of it.


I'm scared of butterflies, lady bugs, drangonflies, moths, snakes, spiders, and the dark. Every time I'm entering a dark room I wait outside the door frame, stick my hand inside and turn on the light switch just in case a serial killer is waiting for me in the dark with a machete. I'm scared of other things too but this comment would be much longer if I wrote them all.

I once watched a programme that had some strange phobias. The fear of baked beans, the fear of buttons, and one woman feared her own knees. They used cognative behaviour therapy to help the people deal with them.

I'm scared of butterflies too. it's not a joke. so get an effing life and grow up.

just get a Jason voorhees mask and put it in your room I for one already have one >.>

kellie20 0

first of all, this is not a fml ! second, didn't the teacher give you the lesson plan?

Did uncle Lester often show you his butterfly collection in the dark shed off in the quiet, isolated forest?

actually, it was a bunch of 6 year olds.

I was thinking that. Submit it to MENSA.

"THEY'RE RAPING MEEEE! OH IT HURTS! Oh, no, thats just a butterfly on my shoulder."

that might be worse then being afraid of puppies or kittens