By mottephobe - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I subbed for a first grade class. They were releasing butterflies. Butterflies scare me shitless. A bunch of 7 year-olds watched as I screamed hysterically when one landed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 726
You deserved it 37 373

Top comments

This reminds me of that episode of Pokémon where Caterpie was all up in Misty's everything and she was completely ******* terrified of it.


I'm deathly afraid of moths. I totally hear you!

completely understandable. I'm terrified of aliens. imagine how I felt watching Katy Perry's E.T.

Sprklss 0

That music video creeped me out :

soccerchick_1994 8

thats pretty bad if your scared of butterflies

turtle_brigade 0

YDI for being pathetic. I hate people who are unreasonably afraid of harmless things and act like dramatic p*ssies when confronted with them. you are not 4 years old. being afraid of a goddamn butterfly isn't cute. get the **** over it.

lmaoatall 6

butterflys in the sky.. I can SREAM twice as high... take a look it's in a book... reading rainbow....

lmaoatall 6

damn it, it's scream haven't had my morning coffee

Mimiroxxi 0

I'm kind of scared of butterflies myself, not because it's cute and it's harmless(if you eat it's not) but the fact the it's a bug, I hate bugs, always have. I don't know how I became fearful of bugs I use to chase people with them with my bear hands. I've seen a butterfly close up, it scared me and I thought it look FUGLY like a giant fuzzy fly. I don't see why the op deserves it, you don't choose what you fear like one of the comments said.

turtle_brigade 0

Phobias remind me of the stupid girls in high school who pretended to have ocd. for some reason, people think it's cool to have ocd, some degree of adhd, and a phobia of some kind. usually clowns. people who have an unreasonable fear of anything that hasn't tried to kill them are ******* retarded. i hate seeing girls my age who freak the **** out every time there's a *harmless* spider roaming about. the shriek and squeal and leap on to chairs and shit. grow up.

no, no; op just simply has butterflies from being in front of the class! amirite? |the kid|