
By Anonymous - 14/07/2012 22:47 - United States

Today, I had to slowly explain to my boss that in some parts of the world, it's currently winter, due to the different hemispheres. He scoffed, accused me of "making shit up," and said that if I took him for a fool again, I'd be looking for a new job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 548
You deserved it 2 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

peachesncreem 21

I bet he Googled it when he went back to his office/desk.

It's bosses like this that make me lose some faith in corporate America...


linkinpark98 23

It seems like your boss has yet to pass the 4th grade.

neonglostix 28

I spent an hour once trying to convince my mom that the moon rotates around earth.

linkinpark98 23

Hah! I once had to explain to my father that fish can't drown because they are aquatic animals.

Actually, there are many species of fish that can drown. Not all aquatic animals get their oxygen from the water. It's fascinating, you should check it out.

Anonymous900 4

Does anyone finish highschool these days?

excusablepennny 2

Ik that's true but sometimes when it's a Nice hot day it's kind of hard to believe that like I'm a different part of the world it's winter.

fatalwish 6

Condescension is hard to pull off you'll get the hang of it

talloctopus 7
zach5tay 2

You must work at McDonald for your boss to be that retarded.

your boss is dumb...and also an ass. he's.....a dumbass! haha anyone get the reference?