
By Anonymous - 14/07/2012 22:47 - United States

Today, I had to slowly explain to my boss that in some parts of the world, it's currently winter, due to the different hemispheres. He scoffed, accused me of "making shit up," and said that if I took him for a fool again, I'd be looking for a new job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 548
You deserved it 2 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

peachesncreem 21

I bet he Googled it when he went back to his office/desk.

It's bosses like this that make me lose some faith in corporate America...


poor man, you have a stupid. self_centered and unknowledgable boss

Last time I checked most of them are like that. Most.

coolbrony12 3

Um how did he become a boss if he doesn't have a 6th grade education

I think you just have to be big and scary-looking to get the job. Kinda like a video game boss.

Don't you love when you're being told what to do by someone who is less educated then you.-___-

Yeah, I think I'd be looking for a new job right about now based on the grounds that I wouldn't be able to stomach working for someone that dumb.

Its amazing how he is a boss and your a co worker. what are you doing wrong?

33- Sucking less dick and kissing less ass than his boss is my guess. ;P

unknown_user5566 26

It amazes me how often dimwits like this end up being the boss, at any job. I feel like there's some conspiracy keeping smart people in entry level positions.

bettyboop428 24

There basically is: the smart people can do the job accurately and productively, whereas the idiots just mess everything up. However, if you promote the idiot and only give him the power to delegate, chances are the smart one will just do it right the first time.

It sucks when someone more powerful than you is a complete dumbass. Story of my life with my parents.

Get a new job. Your boss is too stupid to handle.

Your all ******* wrong, it all depends where the earth is in its elliptical orbit that determines the season, not the hemispheres

And somewhere, in the other hemisphere, they are having the opposite season as we are. :D. Problem solved.

Bonzer 2

I really hope you're joking. I can't tell.

No 46 you're ******* wrong just like everybody else. It's obviously because of the changing emotions of the mighty flying spaghetti monster. ALL HAIL THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER.

People like this bother the shit out of me. It's not just the ignorance of it, but the annoying thing is when they won't admit that they're wrong

49- Isn't the combination of arrogance, ignorance and the inability to accept being wrong, (probably stemming from never getting over his childish insecurities), a wonder thing to behold? ;P Petty little people and the little battles they feel they Need to win.....