Free hugs

By Anonymous - 25/07/2009 05:19 - United States

Today, I was walking down the strip with a friend when we saw a homeless man with no arm. I felt bad, so I gave him some cash and I looked into his poor little eyes when he put out his arm for a hug. Without thinking, I hugged him. Right as I was thinking, "WTF am I doing?" he kissed my boob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 664
You deserved it 53 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

quackquackquac 0


FYL for trying to be nice to someone and they just being stupid about it, but YDI for not being a liiiittle more careful about your chest placement during a hug... and more careful about hugs in the first place. It was sweet of you, though.

Lau_fml 0

oh, I totally get how this is a FML... Wait! No I don't. Yuck, you touched a homeless man. Go take a shower, quick. He might have cooties.

rustyrox 0
ihatestupidppl 0

I don't think the problem is hugging hobos, the problem is hugging strangers, period. Its pretty nice of you to give the guy money but seriously, hugging anyone you don't know is putting yourself at risk, imo. Having a personal space bubble is always a good idea.

You know, I usually think of homeless people as genuine human beings... but judging by most of the comments and FML's on this site, I'm in the minority.

skullbuster 0

Listen, I don't make a practice of hugging strangers (homeless or otherwise). This isn't about treating someone like a human being, this is about taking a stupid risk for no apparent reason. Even the OP isn't sure why she hugged this random hobo.

#75 - I totally agree. These comments make me sad :( To the OP - good on you for giving him a hug. FYL that he decided to milk it for all it was worth ( no pun intended ;P )

@skullbuster: yeah, I agree, the OP was pretty stupid... I was referring to some of the comments... it would seem that homeless people are on about the same level of being as animals to a lot of the people here.

There is no serious risk in hugging a hobo. They're not sewer rats.

bubbles94 0

That is so damn random at the end XD Didn't really expect that lmao YDI cuz hugging a stranger is just not done *shakes head*


Wow why is everyone getting all bent out of shape. I once read an FML about an OP grabbing his/her grandmas tit BY ACCIDENT thinking it was a shoulder. I'm sure the OP is either making it up or overreacting. So are the rest of you. I'm glad there's at least one person up there who looks at homeless people as human beings though. (#75)

That made me laugh so hard. >.< Just don't hug a hobo again I guess :s