Explain like they're 5 year-olds

By Anonymous - 05/09/2013 06:57 - United States - Tallahassee

Today, I was asked to dumb myself down so the people I was training could comprehend what I was saying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 765
You deserved it 7 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look, if you're trying to teach preschoolers what the difference between a prepositional phrase and a subordinate clause is, you're going about this wrong.


It's possible that you use terms too advanced for people you are training. They say the best teachers are the ones who struggled at school because they can put themselves in other people's shoes. I had a young math teacher who, albeit nice and enthusiastic, was losing the class completely as he didn't understand why we didn't get some of the concepts he was explaining. He was clearly very good at his subject but didn't know how to communicate and make it simple for us. Your trainees are here to learn after all, try to remember how that was when you started...

There wasn't a lot of details in the OP's FML, but I'm going to echo a lot of other sentiments here. If your job us to *educate* people, then your job is to begin said education on their level. In my job, I have to "dumb down" my knowledge every single day when communicating with clients. It doesn't make them more stupid than me. It just means that their area of expertise and mine are vastly different.

If you weren't a girl, you'd be Sheldon Cooper.

Mackay92 14

I don't get how this is **** you're life...If you're training people to do something and they don't fully understand what you're explaining to them then obviously you're going to have to make it simpler for them

...Did you not realize that the people you'd be training would be less competent than you? If they were at the same level as you, you wouldn't need to train them.

Don't sweat it op, I once asked someone on a bus where the bus stop with the little rotunda was. He didn't know what that meant, so in had to say dome.

Your username says a lot about how smart you are Op. Just because someone doesn't have the same education or training level as you, it doesn't make it okay to call anyone "retarded".

If you can't explain it simply and break down the information, maybe you're just not much of an instructor. YDI

Hence why they are in TRAINING and need to learn from you. There's a lack of detail here, so the job could be ringing up groceries for all we know, but calm down, Sheldon Cooper.

Obey_StudBoii 23

That's ridiculous. They should learn your vocabulary instead of you lowering yourself to their level.