Explain like they're 5 year-olds

By Anonymous - 05/09/2013 06:57 - United States - Tallahassee

Today, I was asked to dumb myself down so the people I was training could comprehend what I was saying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 765
You deserved it 7 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look, if you're trying to teach preschoolers what the difference between a prepositional phrase and a subordinate clause is, you're going about this wrong.


I think it depends on your line of work and what you're training them for if we're to know if that is a legitimate request. If you're a janitor and need to dumb down for them to catch on how to clean a floor then yeah that's pretty sad and pathetic. But if you're like an engineer or something and you're speeding through training expecting them to understand then put your ego in check and give the newbies a break!

Hey that's a good thing because you were being smart to them

I would take that as a compliment! lol

lb0812 18

Well idk what you're training people for so I'm not sure if this is similar. But as a current new employee, I can empathize with not knowing industry jargon and company abbreviations yet. One of my trainers explained to me that the DTCs arrive at EOS with the MIC. My blank stares had nothing to do with real intelligence or vocabulary.

Mackay92 14

How is this **** you're life.. fair enough you're smart but if you're training people what to do and they don't properly understand what you're teaching them then of course you would need to put it in simpler terms

fukre 3

Your teacher must have done d same for u

You really shouldn't have that kind of attitude towards it, that's your job to train them. Even if it means returning to speaking to a lower level of intelligence.

CAJustise 9

An essential part of training and communicating is speaking to people in a fashion that they can understand. This is like saying today I was told to speak Spanish so the Spaniards I was training could understand me. If they don't understand what you're saying then you are ineffective and useless. Ask every Kindergarden teacher or politician, you must learn to communicate on their level or you'll never do any good at all.

rinoa_fml 10

Because politicians are in any way worthy of being emulated.

This is your job, how is this am FML? Get over yourself and teach.