
By Anonymous - 10/02/2010 07:54 - United States

Today, I bought a brand new huge leather recliner. After laying down and watching football for some time, I sit up and hear a loud shatter. My iPhone was crushed by the mechanics of the chair after it slipped out of my pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 951
You deserved it 8 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn Iphones are like having a trout in your pocket sometimes.


Just give it up, mercy. Your fake-fang scare tactics are useless against my goldfish of terror. (points to a fishbowl containing a dead, floating goldfish) OH NOES! THE GOLDFISH STRIKES TERROR INTO YOUR SOUL AGAIN!

Newbie21 1

iPhones are 100% awsome Any one who disagree are haters!

allen20 0

mines alllmoooostttt broke like dat :o

damn sickness kept me from all the excitement with BSr? mercy and sirin -.- -foamy the squirrel cough-

Newbie21 1

Again iPhones are awsome any other opinions are from haters!

wowmomurcool 0

ur faullt for buying dead animals for comfort.! unles it was fake then u didn't deserve it. lol

joemk2012 0

OP: you know they make something for peoe like you, right? it's called iSuck.