Close shave

By eyeamcool - 17/04/2009 04:11 - United States

Today, the police posted a description of the car of a child abductor. As everyone slowed down to read the billboard, I realized that the car's description and license plate were very similar to mine. After getting death stares from passengers, I got pulled over. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 552
You deserved it 2 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Passengers? What passengers? Oh, you mean the children you were abducting...

One day, #8 will learn when to end a joke, and #9 will learn how to spot one.


lol at #2 and #10.. seriously though.... u gotta be the unluckiest child abductor ever.... hahaha...

Car: white 1987 Chevy Astro conversion van, no windows? License plate- "I LIK BOYS"? Man, you really shoulda seen that comin

pwnrzero 0

For some reason, I worry about stuff kinda like that. Like someone is going to discribe my car for something and I'm going to be pulled over or something. I have a car everyone has, the only difference between mine and many others, mine has been ditched twice, and has a broken acadian front licence plate from the time I ditched it. Dad was the other time, he had it coming, he drives too fast.

nikki1001 0

#15: lol! For that reason, white vans creep me out.

loserthegreat 11

84 'you deserved it!'? how on earth is this their fault?! and lol to 10, you totally get an award from me :D

If you'd just stop abducting children then you wouldn't have these problems...

lol. looks like you just got sucked into the twilight zone.

shmunk 0

take the 'free candy' sign off your windowless van and maybe you won't have as much of a problem

Rick_S 3

Today, my children go abducted. FML. Today, I was abducted. I don't know what's going to happen to me, or if I'll ever see my parents again. I'll probably be scarred for life because of this. FML. Seriously. You really need to get some perspective. You got a couple of people staring at you, and two cops pulled you over and figured out they had the wrong guy, and let you go. How, exactly, is YOUR life f'd over this? Think of the parents who may never see their child again. Or the child, who may be harmed, or killed. You're really worried about being pulled over a few times, and getting dirty looks?