Work harder

By zep - 07/06/2009 11:41 - United States

Today, I was hard at work cleaning up from a party I had while my parents were out for the night. Not a bottle of beer or a red cup was left for them to find. However, my parents did find two of my friends in their bedroom, still passed out and naked from beer and sex last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 355
You deserved it 79 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

funsize003 0

how could you possibly have missed that little fact haha? didn't you check the rooms? this is hilarious though.

jj732 0

hahaha why wouldn't you check every room you dumbass.


vag_fml 0

you didn't check theIr room?? people are just so ******* dumb, seriously. YDI, DOUCHE.

PollySighDevil 0

I totally agree with #3.... unless you were ridiculously hung over, how could you confidently say that you didn't miss a cup or a can when you missed 2 persons??

I agree with post #72. Not to mention how stupid it is to be drinking while underage. I hope your parents give you an appropriate punishment.

rustyrox 0

You deserve it, I would have called their parents. HA!

ZH13 0

i find it hard 2 believe dat u cleaned da house so thoroughly yet u missed da 2 naked ppl in 1 of da rooms. 79 who said they were underage? maybe they were home from college for da weekend and invited some ppl 2 a party. what's stupid is throwin a party while ur parents are out and lettin your friends f*** on their bed w/out plannin 2 wash da sheets.

dude must have really sucked for them....coz your parents walked in on them naked.....even if your own parents walk in on you its awkward much less some your friends

you clearly didnt clean up that well if you didnt even check your parents room.... YDI for being an idiot

Kttttt 0

Red cups. Good choice. Red cup=alcohol/good party Blue cup=old person drinks/boring party. But haha I guess YDI for that one. How old are you anyway?

elementme 0

checked everywhere but their rooms eh?