Work harder

By zep - 07/06/2009 11:41 - United States

Today, I was hard at work cleaning up from a party I had while my parents were out for the night. Not a bottle of beer or a red cup was left for them to find. However, my parents did find two of my friends in their bedroom, still passed out and naked from beer and sex last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 355
You deserved it 79 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

funsize003 0

how could you possibly have missed that little fact haha? didn't you check the rooms? this is hilarious though.

jj732 0

hahaha why wouldn't you check every room you dumbass.


lol, two of my friends did that, but luckily i had time to wash all the bed cloths and re-make the bed. they never found out :)

ew why would u let people have sex in your parents house? if you got drunk your self to allow that, which is probably your exuse, " iwas too drunk to notice". then you sooooo deserved it. when you host a party you gotta have a clear head to know exaclty whats going on, where people are, if someone is stealing.... ect ect.... im not saying not drink at all. but you know. shit like this happens.

diserved it. Same thing with my brothers party when I was twelve. except my neighbors where my dad's cousin and that's how they found out

How the **** do you forget about something like that!?

latinabbyx3 0

idiot! how do you get every tiny red cup but not see two full grown people!

Ew. I find it incredibly dumb of u to not notice that...

ex_ff 9

I bet next time you're gonna make sure to check every room, under every bed, every closet, and behind every piece of furniture