Unwarranted bitchiness

By lois2lane - 23/12/2009 07:15 - United States

Today, a car was tailgating and honking at me while trying to pass me, so I decided to be a bitch back and go extremely slow. We got to a two lane road and the car passed me up. The man in the front seat flipped me off while pointing to his wife in the back seat who was clearly in labor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 012
You deserved it 68 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kelkat09 0

that's your fault. you should never do that anyways.

Disagreed. How the hell was the OP supposed to know there was a woman giving LABOR in the backseat? Honestly, would you have pulled over, because I sure wouldn't have. 99.9% of the time, the tailgater is just being an asshole and just *can't stand* going the speed limit. This is one of the rare [and I mean RARE] times that they had a legitimate reason for being an ass. The OP was not a terrible person for going slower, just human. If you're going to say that, shouldn't you also say that the driver was a terrible person because he really did jeopardize the woman and her baby by taking his eyes off the rode and twisting around to point in the backseat? Besides, honestly the driver should've passed earlier if he was on his way to the hospital, instead of trying to tailgate the person. It takes literally one second to do so.


YDI. As a Texan, you should know that the courteous thing to do is to pull onto the shoulder for a moment and let the faster driver pass (just don't let a northerner see you do it - they think you're breaking the law). Also, every now and then, you get the satisfaction of passing them a minute later when a cop stops them for speeding.

hookumsnivy 6

You definitely deserve it for slowing down. You said it yourself "I decided to be a bitch back and go extremely slow." He deserves it too for driving like an asshole and not using his hazard lights to indicate that it's an emergency. If he had his hazard lights on, would you have left him pass or would you still have acted like a bitch? If you maintained your speed (like you're supposed to do), then it's all on him. With an asshole like that behind you, it's actually dangerous to slow down

you should have followed and made sure she was ok

Um, no! This is a stupid idea. 1- you don't know how pissed off the guy was. 2- they'd probably think she was following them out of road rage and stressed out the woman in labor who is already stressed enough. 3- she's in labor, they're not going to stop and shoot the shit with some random stranger.

YDI for being an asshole. Even if the other driver was driving like a maniac, just pull over and let him pass you - its not worth playing games like you did. That is how you get yourself killed. For all those people saying "they should have called an ambulance" - are you friggin serious?! Not everyone who goes into labor calls an ambulance unless she had some kind of medical issue like going into preterm labor. I'm pregnant and I won't be calling an ambulance unless it is MEDICALLY NECESSARY. Not all labors are concerned a medical emergency. Jesus!! And for those who said "if it was bad enough to be speeding, they should have called 911" and crap like that - again, are you kidding me? You don't know how far/how long they had been driving to get to the hospital. It could have gotten worse in the car in which case wtf are they going to do? Pull over and wait for the ambulance?! Uh, no! FYI, labor isn't this always some slow easy process where she would have had time to dilly dally over to the hospital, waltz on up to the front desk and say "When you get a moment, I'm in labor." Sometimes labor can happen really fast. Its not like you see in the movies. Bottom line: For gods sake - his wife was in LABOR!!! She was IN PAIN!! Hello?! Wouldn't you be speeding to the hospital if you were in his shoes? Yes, you would!

Clearly she had another way to get to the hospital other than ambulance because she was IN A CAR! Her labor may have gotten worse when they were already in the car on the way in which case, of course they're going to try to get there as fast as possible. What do you suggest? Driving slow so they can get there after the baby arrives? Or calling an ambulance and waiting on the side of the road until it gets there, merely delaying their arrival to the hospital? Think before you speak.

No... I didn't say they should ONLY call if it was a medical emergency, I said that many women DON'T call unless that is the case, myself included. Some will call if they don't have a way of getting there, like if they were home alone and went into a bad labor obviously they should call for help. For this woman, however, it was not the case. There are plenty of drivers out there that don't obey traffic laws under normal circumstances. If this guy needed to drive a little faster or go around people to ensure that his laboring wife gets to the hospital when she needs to, then so be it. You would be singing a different tune if that was you in the back seat. I doubt you'd be saying "honey, slow down." if you were in hard labor. You'd be screaming to get to the hospital fast.

I really would not like to die on the way to the hospital to deliver my child. If it involves telling the driver to slow down, or to call an ambulance who will have an easier time clearing traffic, so be it. It's not worth the stress and the danger to act like a complete psycho on the way to the hospital. Draw yourself a nice mild bath and wait for the ambulance, because all that stress is totally unneccessary.

SnowVixen 0

No labor isn't just like you see it in the movies. Just because the movies always portray labor as an extremely painful event doesn't mean all women have that experience. Yes, many do go through a great amount of pain, but not all. You have no more way of knowing how painful it was, than the others know how long the labor lasted. Also, not everyone would be speeding to the hospital. My parents realized that I was going to be born in the car before reaching the hospital even if my dad had driven like a maniac. So instead of being a moron, they were smart enough to call for the ambulance and have the dispatcher help them through the delivery.

awesomelylame 0

Don't worry about it. How were you ever supposed to know what was going on?

I hate when people slow down because people behind them want to go faster. just move the **** over don't be a bitch because we want to go faster

Honestly, if someone drives like a moron then half the population will no doubt retaliate. Yeah half of you say she was being stupid, but I have no doubt a good portion of you would have done the same. You didn't know his pregnant wife was in the back which stinks but oh well.

alex_vik 0

Haven't people on this site learned by now that acting like a bitch only gets bad things to happen to you?

you don't deserve it. i would never in a million years pull over for any asshole that thinks he's gonna get his way by riding my ass and obnoxiously honking at me. there was no way in hell you'd notice there was a pregnant lady in the backseat unless you have supersonic vision which i'm assuming you don't. **** him, the baby will be fine.

I don't mind people speeding or who are in a hurry, and if they somehow get my attention I will move. But as SOON as you start riding my ass or acting like a twat, I will slow down to the actual posted speed limit. No 5 above, no 10 above, nothing. I'm not about to get into some race with some psycho on the road. Who knows how fast I have to go to get him to stop tailgaiting me? And then at that point its' dangerous.