Unwarranted bitchiness

By lois2lane - 23/12/2009 07:15 - United States

Today, a car was tailgating and honking at me while trying to pass me, so I decided to be a bitch back and go extremely slow. We got to a two lane road and the car passed me up. The man in the front seat flipped me off while pointing to his wife in the back seat who was clearly in labor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 012
You deserved it 68 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kelkat09 0

that's your fault. you should never do that anyways.

Disagreed. How the hell was the OP supposed to know there was a woman giving LABOR in the backseat? Honestly, would you have pulled over, because I sure wouldn't have. 99.9% of the time, the tailgater is just being an asshole and just *can't stand* going the speed limit. This is one of the rare [and I mean RARE] times that they had a legitimate reason for being an ass. The OP was not a terrible person for going slower, just human. If you're going to say that, shouldn't you also say that the driver was a terrible person because he really did jeopardize the woman and her baby by taking his eyes off the rode and twisting around to point in the backseat? Besides, honestly the driver should've passed earlier if he was on his way to the hospital, instead of trying to tailgate the person. It takes literally one second to do so.


LifeisFMLSnGMHs 0

While it was wrong to slow down and create more aggression in the tailgater, it's only natural to want to piss off people who are pissing you off. Also, he clearly shouldn't have been driving like a maniac in the first place! I don't really care if his wife was in labor, it doesn't give him the right to drive in a way that greatly increases the possibility for an accident.

legendofdon 0

that's awesome, **** tailgaters

You did nothing wrong, its his fault for being an asshole. I would have slowed down just a little bit like 3 under. thats what i usually do when people get right up on my ass, they get so pissed.lol

SweetPotatoVines 0
theteal 0

I would have had my hazards on and if that didn't work I would have flashed my high beams. In fact this is exactly what I did when my niece was being sick and throwing up in the backseat of my car. We were on a one lane road and I had my hazards on so the first car seeing this pulled over to let me pass but the other was only going 10 mph in a 40mph zone and ignored my hazards. That's when I resorted to honking and flashing my high beams which finally got through to them. As much as I wanted to I didn't stop to flip them off and point to my niece puking in the backseat. I was more concerned with the safety and well being of my niece to worry about a petty thing like flipping off another driver and wasting time. I have no sympathy for the tailgater because he was completely in the wrong. Yes its possible they couldn't get an ambulance in time or that her time was running out but still that's no reason to put everyone's life in danger especially if he wasn't using his hazards.

Curb-crawling is as bad as tailgating, you clearly DI for doing something both completely pointless and illegal just to piss someone off.

Where is the mention of htem doing something illegal? For all we know OP was traveling above the posted speed limit and slowed down to the speed limit. Nothing illegal about that, unless the road had a minimum speed and OP went below it.

You did nothing wrong I punish tailgaters all the time like that . But you did it all wrong after you slow down if they are still tailgating you do a seat belt check hit your brakes as hard as you can . If more people did that there would be less assholes in this world alive and they wouldn't post on Fml .

Yeah hit the brakes hard and if they hit you, say there was a squirrel or a pigeon and they shouldn't have been tailgating

Yea exactly I saw Alvin the chipmunk !

Sometimes, someone might be in a bit more hurry than you... And it could be an emergency... You are not the center of the universe... If it was me, I'd take your registration number and smash your car after the child was born.. Same goes for everyone else that i too dam important to move to the side..

And I would've shot you after my car alarm went off then told the police you threaten to kill me .

bad drivers have prolapsed spinchters with hemorrhoids, i.e. pain in the butt, so just go around them.

Geez. YDI. You know, it's people like you that make me hate driving. It shouldn't matter if someone IS being a jerk and tailgating you and trying to pass you. Just let them pass and move on with your life. Even if it wasn't due to an emergency like in your situation, you could at least be the bigger person. Pretend you have manners next time.

Why should the OP "pretend to have manners" There are too many idiots out there who think they own the roads. Yes its unfortunate that in this case there was a genuine reason for the other driver but how is someone supposed to know that there is a woman in labour in the other car? In about 90% of these cases its usually just some douchebag that thinks they own the road.

let him own his road and get him away from you. the person driving like an ass is not going to instantly think they are wrong. I've had random people switch lanes to cut me off for no reason then slow down and when I go to pass them swerve at me. I normally pull off the road into a neighbor hood and loose them or call 991 if its really bad. in those situations when you have a stubborn person just let them go. you being just as stubborn is not going to fix anything.