Unwarranted bitchiness

By lois2lane - 23/12/2009 07:15 - United States

Today, a car was tailgating and honking at me while trying to pass me, so I decided to be a bitch back and go extremely slow. We got to a two lane road and the car passed me up. The man in the front seat flipped me off while pointing to his wife in the back seat who was clearly in labor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 012
You deserved it 68 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kelkat09 0

that's your fault. you should never do that anyways.

Disagreed. How the hell was the OP supposed to know there was a woman giving LABOR in the backseat? Honestly, would you have pulled over, because I sure wouldn't have. 99.9% of the time, the tailgater is just being an asshole and just *can't stand* going the speed limit. This is one of the rare [and I mean RARE] times that they had a legitimate reason for being an ass. The OP was not a terrible person for going slower, just human. If you're going to say that, shouldn't you also say that the driver was a terrible person because he really did jeopardize the woman and her baby by taking his eyes off the rode and twisting around to point in the backseat? Besides, honestly the driver should've passed earlier if he was on his way to the hospital, instead of trying to tailgate the person. It takes literally one second to do so.


And this is why our cars have these things called HAZARD LIGHTS. You push the little button on the dashboard and all your blinkers start going off and let other cars know there's something wrong. I can understand why he'd be concerned for his wife. Some babies do come out fairly quickly, and I'm sure the poor woman didn't want her child born in the back of a car. But her husband should have put the hazards on to alert traffic around him to a situation where they would need to make way for his car. YDI for being an immature asshat. If someone is tailgating you, just pull over and let them go past you...slowing down could just piss some bad drivers off more and make them ram you from behind. Don't retaliate. Jesus. HDI for not flashing his hazards and making his situation known when he first got onto the road.

Oh, yes, bury my comment because all you want to see is "OMG i feels so sowwy for yous!". Pricks. -___-

To all of you that are calling the man and his wife an idiot for not leaving earlier, i will deifnitly have to dissagree with you all. Not all women have this la di da labour story of how it started just a little and then waiting for it to get worse, then extremely worse and then its off to the hospital. many women (myself included) have woken up in very hard labour and in the middle of winter with crazy ass road conditions and dont have time to wait for an ambulance to get there. I had to call soemone who lived about 2 minutes away and i had my son very shortly after we arrived at the hospital. We dont choose when to have our children or how long to be in labour for...so you cant necessarily blame the couple for waiting too long to go to the hospital. Secondly...it wasnt your fault OP because you didnt know that his wife was in labour and i agree with everyone here that says he shouldve had his fourways on. And i wont say you deserve it too because myself hating asshole drivers, i wouldve slowed down too if soemone was honking and tailgating me.

Seconded, on your first paragraph. The mother of my godson woke up in hard labor in the middle of a snowstorm. They live in a rural community where the nearest hospital was about a half-hour away (if not more). Her son popped out only a little while after they got through the doors of the hospital. My mother, on the other hand, was in labor with me for nearly a day due to multiple complications and the way I was positioned in the womb. Every pregnancy is different....not all women are in labor for hours on end.

no...that is exactly what i was saying...sorry for not actually specifying..but i was just saying that you cant help when you go in labour and some women are different and they can have children 30 minutes after going into labour as well as other who spend 26 hours in labout...but its not the wifes fault because she couldve woken up in extreme pain and literally had the baby 15 min after arriving at the hospital. (sorry for any spelling errors)

Lol I was backing you up. My last sentence was to everyone else saying "why the **** did he leave so late?". I should have specified as well. :D But I don't want to because it's a day before Christmas, I'm drinking fine wine and wrapping presents, and I feel like being a lazy ass. :D

haha oh well awesome...mmm wine....i shall be doing that later when i get off work :)..but fortunatly i get to sit here and interact with you fine people...and then later i get to go home and do more xmas wrapping as well lol

Truth be told, I shouldn't even be on the computer....I'm at my mother's house, and I snuck on to check my school email. Needless to say...I got a bit sidetracked by the tempting FML's. And I hate to see what my father will do when he gets home. I drank the last of his sangria. OOPS!

Speed limits are not there to tell everyone how fast you should at least be going, they are there to dictate how fast you are allowed to drive at maximum. If the speed limit says 60 on the high way that means the fastest A-hole should be going 60. The average speed on a 60 mph highway is 55 the low end being 46-50, I'm sick of being on the road going 57-60 mph and watching other assholes not just pass me but obnoxiously out speed me as if the highway is a racing track. Unless you have police sirens/ambulance sirens blaring (in use) there is absolutely no reason for your spedometer to go past the number on those signs. If you need to be somewhere at a certain time don't leave last minute figuring 65-75 mph will get you there, leave early and give yourself the time to get there legally and justfilly. @OP it is unfortunate that you unknowingfully stalled a woman en route to a hospital to give birth, but its not your fault. Tailgating is stupid and by all rights you should have slowed down, f the pregnant wife and childs life because dad needed to speed and honk thinking the law stops when he wants it to.

Unless you have an asshole cop, you don't get ticketed for going over 5 mph the speed limit. And I agree with 88. Last I checked, even if I look behind me, I can't really see someone in a backseat laying down (assuming she was). I'd do the same thing. Sorry, but I've seen drivers do this all the time and its not an emergency like this.

I didn't say people get ticketed, more often than not cops look the other way and ignore the 100+ speeders which are impossible to pull over all at once and instead pull over the slo-mo(even if hes doing 55 in a 60 and everyone else is doing 70-75) and citation him for reckless driving for driving slowly in quick traffic, its bullshit but it happens, there ssems to be a rule of the road that you must go at least 10 mph slower(like 60 to their 70) or faster because any slower and you throw people off, its b/s and I think cops should be given the right to stop traffic on a road indefinatly stopping every driver if the cop is going the speed limit and everyone is passing him.

Not usually so. On most higher speed limit highways around here, there is a minimum speed posted of 40mph. They can't ticket you as long as you're going at least that.

Ah, I see what you are saying. This is why most roads have the "fast" lanes and "slow" lanes. It ticks me off when people go way slower than the speed limit, but it also ticks me off when I have some guy honking a horn when I'm already going faster than the speed limit, and this is usually on a main road. I hate Florida.

don't know what country you're in, but in Australia, you can get fined for going too slow, and you can't get fined for speeding up to 10% the limit. you could do 66 K's in a 60 zone, and not get done.

7Rawr7 0

The father didn't have to be a dick about it. He was inconsiderate first. How the hell was she supposed to know she was in labor?? It wasn't her fault.

He should have put his emergency lights on and tried not to act like a super dick. You need to be nice to people in order to get through. If you act like a crazed maniac people will treat you like shit. Unless you drive a big truck.

mozrox 0

If someone started tailgating and honking at me, I'd have done the same thing. How were you supposed to know his wife was in labor? He has no right to flip YOU off when he was the one driving like an asshole. If it was that big of a rush, he should have called an ambulance. If he can't afford an ambulance, how the hell is he going to afford a kid? He shouldn't be driving like a crazy person and jeopardizing other peoples' lives.

Sometimes, believe it or not, the hospital is closer than the fire station that sends out the ambulance. Also, the ambulance makes a two-way trip from its garage to the patient to the hospital. The father-to-be drives from the patient to the hospital. It's a much shorter trip and if the woman had a short labor, it would have been best to just get her to the hospital as quickly as possible. But what the man SHOULD have done was flash his hazard lights or high-beam headlights to warn other traffic out of his way, instead of just honking.

Mabster84 2

I would have done the same thing. You can't possibly know everyones story when they're being assholes on the road. If the guy had cared enough about the fact that his wife was having their child, he could have called an ambulance and had them rush her there. Instead, he put their lives in danger by trying to drive like a maniac. How were you to know?

Yeah, I'd have to agree with this. Also, in the like, 0.3seconds it takes for him to pass you (assuming he was still driving that fast) he managed to look at you, flip you off, point to his wife in the back seat, and not crash?