Unwarranted bitchiness

By lois2lane - 23/12/2009 07:15 - United States

Today, a car was tailgating and honking at me while trying to pass me, so I decided to be a bitch back and go extremely slow. We got to a two lane road and the car passed me up. The man in the front seat flipped me off while pointing to his wife in the back seat who was clearly in labor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 012
You deserved it 68 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kelkat09 0

that's your fault. you should never do that anyways.

Disagreed. How the hell was the OP supposed to know there was a woman giving LABOR in the backseat? Honestly, would you have pulled over, because I sure wouldn't have. 99.9% of the time, the tailgater is just being an asshole and just *can't stand* going the speed limit. This is one of the rare [and I mean RARE] times that they had a legitimate reason for being an ass. The OP was not a terrible person for going slower, just human. If you're going to say that, shouldn't you also say that the driver was a terrible person because he really did jeopardize the woman and her baby by taking his eyes off the rode and twisting around to point in the backseat? Besides, honestly the driver should've passed earlier if he was on his way to the hospital, instead of trying to tailgate the person. It takes literally one second to do so.


doodles88 0

honestly if you want pass someone on the road, just pass them...not everyone caters to you and will let you pass. -_- one time this guy behind me and was honking and i saw him get frustrated in my rearview mirror lmao, if he really was in such a rush, he had a choice to pass me (illegally, cuz it was one lane). just saying, unless it was a cop car, fire truck, or an ambulance, i wont move over for you..

ozymandias_fml 0

"be a bitch"? Following the law is "being a bitch"? The proper (logically and legally) response to a tailgater is to slow down. Since they are tailgating, they have reduced the length of reaction time, and slowing down increased the time they have to react to suddent changes, increasing safety.

iwannafuckyaman 0
hookumsnivy 6

Actually, the logical and legal thing to do is maintain your speed. Speeding up would obviously be unsafe (unless you're driving REALLY slow), and slowing down actually makes things worse. More often than not, the guy doing that behind you (without hazard lights on) is an idiot and is obviously dangerous on the road. What happens when the guy is in such a rush/rage that he doesn't notice you slowing down? He rear ends you. The correct response is maintain your speed. It keeps you safe, and since you are not changing anything, the driver behind you doesn't have to adjust to your speed. In fact, that's exactly what they would tell you if you ever go to a defensive driving class.

What I was taught in Driver's ed was to slow down to let them pass. If not, change lanes or turn if possible. Regardless, it wasn't the OP's fault. You can't always see who's behind you in your rearview mirror. Most people who drive like that are in the category of people who think they're special and need to be treated like asses. On a side note, I recently worked a Miley Cyrus concert. A guy came to the gate about halfway through and asked to get himself and his 3 kids in without a ticket. I told him the rules were the rules, no. His response? "F*** the rules!" He came back again 10 mins later and I had to threaten to have him arrested for trespassing in front of his kids. My point? He's teaching his kids to try and get around the rules by cheating. Not a good example of parenting. If the other driver was so callous as to flip the OP the bird, he's probably also a bad example of parenting. His kid's life is probably going to be F***ed too.

hookumsnivy 6

If there's only 1 lane, moving over to the right and slowing down to let them pass isn't an option. If someone is tailgating you and moving over is not possible, you should remain at the current speed. Slowing down makes things worse, and speeding is obviously not a good option.

Funny, and my friend recently told me that there was some sonofabitch being suuuper slow on the road while her mom was giving birth. Way to go asshole

YDI for being an ass. Then again, they deserved it for being inane, asinine, and childish. They have an obligation to themselves to make sure that they're even more able to get to the hospital quickly the closer she got to term and not make other people suffer for their indecisions. Being in labour doesn't excuse them from the law, neither should it really be your problem. Unless an emergency vehicle is trying to get through, you have no real obligation to let them by. Just hope that their idiocy isn't as contagious to their kid as it could potentially be.

Danzzigg 0

I don't think it was your fault. There are a number of things that person could have done to express his emergency. Like and ambulance for instance, or what my mother did, when i was little i had a nail sticking straight through my skull, she put on her HAZARDS and sped through. You don't know whats going on in the car behind you, but i don't agree with the slowing down to make them angry.

Yeah OP wasn't being a bitch or anything; I would have done the saaaaame thing! The pregnant woman probably had a long wait in the hospital as is, and if not, she should have left sooner. I'm pretty sure when I had my son, we drove to the hospital without speeding and I still had another thirteen hours of labour AT the hospital before he was born.

yah.it wasnt your fault, i woulda done the same thing, and i woulda followed him to the hospital and cussed him out.

Whoopdeedoo, she was in labor. That's no reason to drive like a moron, no one gains special road privileges so that the whole world pulls over to let them pass. Most women are in labor for hours and hours. A lot of them aren't even in labor when they go to the hospital the first time for their first baby. I am so sick of movies and TV making labor out to be this horrible and awful thing, yeah it isn't a walk in the park but it isn't nearly that awful. Unless there are complications having a baby is NOT a medical emergency. Honestly it isn't that big of a deal if you don't have the baby in the hospital if there are no problems. We survived and even thrived as a species long before the medicalization of child birth.

iwannafuckyaman 0

Its his fault for endangering the lives of: you, his wife, his unborn baby, and himself. There is NO reason to drive like an idiot. I dont care if your having a baby, drive the ******* speed limit. It is there for a reason.