By Anonymous - 24/09/2011 07:22 - United Kingdom

Today, out of my bedroom window, I can see my next door neighbour's window. On his ledge, I can see binoculars, tissues and vaseline. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 852
You deserved it 5 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1waytoolive 1

Maybe he has got a cold from bird watching all night.


daydreamer244 13
KoolAidDrinker 0

Definitely get some curtains or something and everyone else should stop making excuses. We all know what that stuff is for! I'd say go say something to the dude but I'm not sure how you'd approach that.

dougierocks 13

Show up in a Trench coat and lingerie... The guy will either have a heart attack, or embarrassingly be done before you even get in the door...

Ok so he is watching birds, and is styling his hair, but he has a cold.

iamwill363 3

shit u werent supposed to see that

perdix 29

How can you see your neighbor's window through your closed blinds? And if you insist on putting on a show, how can you expect the guy to ********** dry? Just because you like it rough doesn't mean everyone does.

rcloca 10

Or maybe he had to blow his nose while birdwatching, and he got to excited and got a diaper rash hence the vaseline

kiakia0131 23

Nice try. Perdix wins at commenting.

o0malicecat0o 4

Call the bastard in as a peeping tom!!!!!!!

skyeyez9 24

Post a sign on your window towards your neighbors calling him out on his creeper behavior.....and buy better privacy blinds that he cant see thru, not even your sillouette.