By Anonymous - 24/09/2011 07:22 - United Kingdom

Today, out of my bedroom window, I can see my next door neighbour's window. On his ledge, I can see binoculars, tissues and vaseline. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 852
You deserved it 5 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1waytoolive 1

Maybe he has got a cold from bird watching all night.


mileyfan17 8

Oh dear god I could only imagine.

KaskStunter 4

Fight back. Let him have a fappathon until he passes out. Then pay him a visit. Payback time.

oo thats rough. go buy some curtains....heavy curtains

You must like the attention if you haven't gotten your curtains up yet... and even if you do have some, they must be too light so he can still see through them. And what makes you think he was looking at you? Maybe he was preying on another 3 doors down, lol.

sailorfreak_fml 4

i wonder how long he has been watching you O.o

Timothydelaghetto says vasaline is too thick to use for masturbating... o.o

perdix 29

The Vaseline helps him give you anal while you sleep without waking you up. Also, having a skinny penis helps. You might want to learn to sleep on your side.

KartaOwnsYou 0