By Anonymous - 24/09/2011 07:22 - United Kingdom

Today, out of my bedroom window, I can see my next door neighbour's window. On his ledge, I can see binoculars, tissues and vaseline. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 852
You deserved it 5 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1waytoolive 1

Maybe he has got a cold from bird watching all night.


Yet, you are the one looking out of your window spying on him!!!

randomhangul 4

assuming he has been doing this long enough to have a full blown station set up for it.... how are you noticing this for the first time now OP??

Creeepperrr alert! Dont forget to close the windows! 8D

I'd leave a sign in your window letting him know that if you catch him that you're calling the cops. lol

Shadow_Phantom 26

^This. It needs to be done. FYL, OP.

Quit looking looking at your neighbor's ledge, pervert.

if he needs binoculars to see you then what do you see his binoculars with ?

Valereex3 0

same thing happend to me girl...

That's gross, but I'm guessing you now know it's time to invest in blinds and drapes and/or stop getting changed in front of the window. Lesson learned.