By Anonymous - 24/09/2011 07:22 - United Kingdom

Today, out of my bedroom window, I can see my next door neighbour's window. On his ledge, I can see binoculars, tissues and vaseline. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 852
You deserved it 5 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1waytoolive 1

Maybe he has got a cold from bird watching all night.


Osito2011 9

He's the neighborhood watchman. Why are you jumping to conclusions. He also has a runny nose and the vaseline is to protect his face from scratches when he has to through down in a fight.

Buttsexpirate 9

"That there boy is what we call a pervert"

Herpderp, maybe it's the neighbour's twin brother's stuff on the window, who also has a bad accent, derpyherpderp? Get it, guys? I'm making a reference to another FML, which was already referenced multiple times, because I'm so freaking original and witty! Lolololololol!!!

Osito2011 9

Well herpaderp. You ever herp so much ya derp. Well you derp this post of yours and ruined it for the rest of us.

Is old young cute ugly?? Woman, where are the details?? I'm kidding but you should get some curtains blinds something that doesn't even allow your sillohuete to show through

Yeah, of course. Who doesn't clean with a nice pair of binoculars, tissue, AND Vaseline? Only a madman, friend. Only a madman.

quicksilver22b 0