By ANON - 21/08/2015 06:22 - United States - Mission Viejo

Today, one of my ears randomly went deaf. I went to the doctor, thinking I had an ear infection or something. Turns out that your ears can go deaf entirely without reason, and I now have medication to take to see if I can get any of my hearing back in that ear. I'm only 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 092
You deserved it 1 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, there's a great Deaf community here. You're not alone, and you'll love it here. :)


Maybe ask your doctor to look into family history and genetic conditions? I know with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome hearing and sight can change drastically in as little as an hour.

My mom became deaf in one ear after needing to have a tumor removed in her twenties. She doesn't let it slow her down and I doubt it'll slow you down either! ;)

"Turns out you can get sick without deserving it or doing anything to make it happen. I'm 26 and I didn't know this!"

That's happened to me three times but my hearing always comes back we'll eventually...

I hope you don't mind me asking, but have you ever been checked for Menieres? I'm just asking because I have it and that happens to me all the time.

Hey, I've been deaf in one ear my entire life. Although I imagine it's worse for you, because you're used to stereo hearing

I would like to know the science behind that...can you follow up and tell us?

Get checked for Menieres Disease. It can cause sudden hearing loss for no apparent reason and usually is in one ear. The good news is it's usually temporary as Menieres causes your hearing to go up and down. You need to see an ENT doctor to get diagnosed. Message me on here if you have any questions as I am a Menieres suffer myself.

Did water somehow get into your ear? Dampening of the ear can cause this.