By ANON - 21/08/2015 06:22 - United States - Mission Viejo

Today, one of my ears randomly went deaf. I went to the doctor, thinking I had an ear infection or something. Turns out that your ears can go deaf entirely without reason, and I now have medication to take to see if I can get any of my hearing back in that ear. I'm only 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 092
You deserved it 1 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, there's a great Deaf community here. You're not alone, and you'll love it here. :)


I'm also 26 in California. I know sign and I can teach you and help you adjust.

I'm sorry OP, I feel your pain. I've been partially deaf since I was a child, but over the past year one of my ears has deteriorated very quickly! I'm only 25, but I got a hearing aid and it's changed my life. I hope it works itself out, sometimes hearing just comes back. It could be weeks or months, it's just a matter of time hopefully for you!

My best friend went to bed completely hearing, and woke up completely deaf. His brain "forgot" how to perceive sound, but his ear drum and Cochlea are just fine.

If you have sinus problems that can be part of it! I have chronic sinus infections due to allergies and I have low level hearing loss in one ear. See and ENT (ear nose throat specialist) they can help you better than a regular doctor

This is called sudden deafness. My dad suddenly got it in his left ear. The doctors said only 10% of all patients get their hearing back. Luckily my dad was one of them. Last month his other ear went deaf. At least he knew what to do and also that ear got its hearing back. My dad was bitten by a tick. That might have been the source of it (at least that is what my dad suspects). I hope you will get your hearing back!

For your information: my dad got Prednisone pills which he had to take 3 times a day (If I remember this correctly). You should ask your doctor about those!

Im calling bullshit on that. Sometimes doctors who don't know the answer will say shit like that. There most likely is a reason and I hope you can figure it out and that it'll help you get it back. In the meantime I am glad it was only one ear :)

this happened to me when I was 12 now I'm 18 and still can't hear out if my left ear.

gatorgirl7563 22

First, make sure you see a ear, nose, throat specialist. I suddenly lost 80% hearing in one ear. My GP was baffled and just kept prescribing different antibiotic drops, hoping that would fix the problem. I had to actually ask for a referral. Turns out I had been gardening too much and wearing my snugly-fitting earbuds too much. The gardening got fungus spores into my ear and the earbuds increased the heat and humidity enough to allow the fungus to grow until covered my ear drum and obscured my hearing. Treatment: Athlete's foot cream dripped into my ear for 3 months. After, of course, the specialist used a special vacuum to remove an amount of fungus from my ear equal in volume to the visible part of a pink eraser of a brand new #2 wooden pencil. Too bad I can post pictures.