By ANON - 21/08/2015 06:22 - United States - Mission Viejo

Today, one of my ears randomly went deaf. I went to the doctor, thinking I had an ear infection or something. Turns out that your ears can go deaf entirely without reason, and I now have medication to take to see if I can get any of my hearing back in that ear. I'm only 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 092
You deserved it 1 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, there's a great Deaf community here. You're not alone, and you'll love it here. :)


sweetmother 10

When I was 24 I went completely deaf in 1 ear then almost deaf in my other ear. I saw my gp then a specialist. They couldn't figure it out. Nothing else was wrong. But they never checked my hormone levels. I think that's what it was. 3 weeks later I woke up and could suddenly hear again.

sweetmother 10

When I was 24 I went completely deaf in 1 ear then almost deaf in my other ear. I saw my gp then a specialist. They couldn't figure it out. Nothing else was wrong. But they never checked my hormone levels. I think that's what it was. 3 weeks later I woke up and could suddenly hear again.

Since you were able to hear before, you may consider cochlear implants. They're not perfect, but are a damn sight better than deafness

That's kind of a drastic measure. Plus OP's hearing may come back on its own or they may not have the right type of hearing loss to qualify for Cochlears. There are also many other less drastic measures that any good doctor would take before cutting into someone's brain and implanting Cochlears.

It can happen if u have cold as well...

ManicGypsy 22

I have significant hearing loss in my left ear. Went to the ear doctor when I noticed it, and he said it was permanent nerve damage. :( I try not to let it effect me too much. Hearing aid batteries get expensive after a while though.

I have arthritis and I'm only 25. Unfortunately, disease doesn't usually care about age, race, gender, sexuality, etc.

Your not alone OP! It happens to me all the time! Mine just usually comes back within 20 minutes. Hope you get better!

Do you wear earphones that go directly into the ear and play your music really loud? Maybe that's what caused it, although I'm not entirely sure why it affect one ear and not both.

My girlfriend has recently had some bad hip problems so we went to the hospital about it. Doctor says your hip can just give out for no reason sometimes. Life sucks when your own body is fighting you.