By dreamdude - 20/09/2009 13:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of a year broke up with me because I didn't fight some guy that started hitting her right in front of me... In a dream. She was totally serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 347
You deserved it 4 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is that a bad thing? At least now you might find somebody with a good amount of common sense.

bob1124 0

I ******* hate it when people blame you for things you did in THEIR dreams. My mother used to do that to me all the time.


Thunderbender 2

Whoa Whoa Whoa, hold up. Was it you're dream and you told her about it or her own dream O_o

hope you find a girlfreind who's not dumb.

btwilysfm 0

i'm so sick of fml's like this one. they're all the same. "my girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with me because... (something ridiculous). FML" either you have no taste in people, or that person's only excuse to break up with you was a dream.

That's hilarious, but yet the most retarded way to break up with someone.

JeremytheJackass 0

What a stupid bitch. Tonight, you should purposely have a dream where you are the one hitting her, and her new boyfriend doesn't stop you. That'll teach her.

I can't believe you didn't fought that dude in her dream! You weakly girly man, you! But this isn't really a FYL or a YDI. I mean you should be thankful that you didn't have kids with this particular dummy. She'd probably pop it in the oven.

stoobo 0

I had something kinda similiar happen once but didn;t get dumped, my g'freind at the time had a dream that me her and another chick were having a threesome, she got mad and jealous at me about it when she woke up, the thing is my g'freind was bi-sexual and was previously two timing me with the girl in the dream in real life, I forgave her for that and had moved on but she still got mad at me for what happened in the dream. Women are effing crazy!

kiit_fml 0

You're better off without that special brand of crazy, so more power to you for not defending her. In her dream. That you had no control over in any way.