By skrewedguy - 08/12/2011 03:33 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left me. Knowing that I am a germaphobe, she took all of my cleaning supplies and spread mud and trash everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 678
You deserved it 6 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shit on her doorstep. don't worry bro, **** that bitch & move on.

Your girlfriend is an immature child. Even if you were a horrible boyfriend, she has proven to be a rather low creature because she couldn't simply leave you; she evidently thought it was appropriate to attack you. Class act. Be glad she's gone op.


When they build your sandwiches, they use their hands. It wouldn't make a difference how the food was cooked, it's the raw stuff you need to worry about. If you want to worry about gems, just think of the lemons that are put on the rim of your iced teas. Believe me, dirty hands are touching them fruit.>.

If I were you, I would drive over to her house and dump garbage all over her car. You may want to take a friend, to do the dirty work, you know. ;)

xForeverNever 6

I don't know if you did anything to make her leave, but WOW you must have for her to have done THAT. Or maybe she's just a jerk... :/ sorry, bro :/

N3766 20

I wonder what did you do to her?

Some people are just immature and can't handle breaking up. I'm a germaphobe too and if my ex would have done that I would have beat him senseless.

That **** deserves some serious payback. Whatever her biggest fear is, force her to experience it.

Man some women suck. Imagine if a guy did that to her? She'd get all her friends against him.

The reason for that is because girls are always the "helpless victim," and a bond between good girlfriends is normally strong.

That girl took bitch to a new level. Unless you beat her on a daily basis there's no reason to pull shit like that, very immature. You're better off without her