By fuuuuuh - 20/07/2012 05:47 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, my family of five and I decided to have homemade sushi. We did not prepare the fish correctly, and now we all have excruciating food poisoning. The worst part? We only have one bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 792
You deserved it 30 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SuperDerp 8

What a cool and original pun about food poisoning.... This has not been said on other food poisoning FMLs or anything....


Why on earth did you think that this was a good idea? There are SO many regulations for dealing with seafood. Just because you can make it at home in the Sims does not mean that the average person should be whipping it up in their kitchen.

I say YDI. Eating raw dead animal is disgusting.

You can eat raw dead animal or raw alive animal. Plus cooked sushi doesn't taste right.

So easy, a caveman can do it in a bush

Do you have a trash can or a sink? Problem solved.

There's a reason why you have to be VERY careful eating raw meat....

When you go to the market, you need to specifically ask if the fish is sushi-grade. Usually the people behind the counter will know. I've made sushi quite a few times with fish from Whole Foods and have never had a problem. I hope you feel better OP. Be more careful next time!

mkatora 1

If its that bad go to your store and buy a box of diapers for your family.. Sounds stupid but its better then crapping your pants

TheyCallMeDamien 17

That's going to get interesting and unfortunately competitive.

naughtylez82 4