By fuuuuuh - 20/07/2012 05:47 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, my family of five and I decided to have homemade sushi. We did not prepare the fish correctly, and now we all have excruciating food poisoning. The worst part? We only have one bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 792
You deserved it 30 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SuperDerp 8

What a cool and original pun about food poisoning.... This has not been said on other food poisoning FMLs or anything....


Getting food poisoning is like my biggest fear when I cook. I would never attempt to cook homemade sushi. Leave that for the professionals.

By "not preparing the fish properly" do you mean that you left it out of the fridge for too long before slicing it to serve? Or do you really mean that you went to the local supermarket, bought some fish and assumed it would be safe to eat? Fish is either safe to eat raw or it isn't, it's not like you cut it a certain way and get food poisoning. I get the feeling that this is your fault.

Well, hopefully I one on the toilet,1 on the bathroom sink, 2 on the tub and hopefully you got a boulle wide sink for 2 more if needed

PurpleLover20 11

It would be a good idea to get buckets make sure you get alot of buckets lol

OrokuSaki 7

depends on where you live. time to go dig a hole in the ground and let it go...