By WaltTheFuckDad - 01/09/2013 23:06 - United States - Salida

Today, my dad tore my room apart for the second time, looking for drug-making equipment. His reasoning is that I must be dealing drugs, because I'm a chemistry major who likes to watch Breaking Bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 376
You deserved it 3 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time stay in the doorway and keep saying "cold, cold, warmer, warmer, cold again" just to freak him out.

My mom thought I was gay because I watch Glee. Turns out she was right


olpally 32
chera3773 2

Awe, I have the same issue, sort of, only I'm a chemistry teacher and it's my students who tell people I make drugs, just because I know of the show and teach chemistry. I'm waiting to get fired for something I don't do... :( I know how you feel with this one!

Don't let him go around your laundry machine. We all know where you keep your equipment.

Sad thing is, he can get away with it just for being a "curious and caring parent".

Watching breaking bad makes you as much of a druggie as I'm a sponge living in a pineapple under the sea.

That's stupid reasoning! That's just like someone liking to have sex and love to watch movies. It doesn't mean they're a **** star.

Get angry and tell him to tread lightly

If he finds anything and you need a lawyer...BETTER CALL SAUL!

photogodess 13

Love the name :) and honestly it's good your getting a degree in chemistry. Don't go less than a Bachelors degree but try to stick with it and get your masters. More jobs will become available and you will be worth more to a company good luck in school op