By WaltTheFuckDad - 01/09/2013 23:06 - United States - Salida

Today, my dad tore my room apart for the second time, looking for drug-making equipment. His reasoning is that I must be dealing drugs, because I'm a chemistry major who likes to watch Breaking Bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 376
You deserved it 3 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time stay in the doorway and keep saying "cold, cold, warmer, warmer, cold again" just to freak him out.

My mom thought I was gay because I watch Glee. Turns out she was right


But if he knew what drug making equipment looked like.....

Then I should be a very smart liar who poses as an lawyer coz I can't get enough of suits.

You should send him on a trip to Belize

ruckus54321 5

Is your dad overly paranoid or something?

shadowfighter10 9

I've seen a very similar fml before.. Predictable. Sounds like your dad has a good sense of humor and you didn't catch on. Lighten up, and learn how to take a joke, OP