By WaltTheFuckDad - 01/09/2013 23:06 - United States - Salida

Today, my dad tore my room apart for the second time, looking for drug-making equipment. His reasoning is that I must be dealing drugs, because I'm a chemistry major who likes to watch Breaking Bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 376
You deserved it 3 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time stay in the doorway and keep saying "cold, cold, warmer, warmer, cold again" just to freak him out.

My mom thought I was gay because I watch Glee. Turns out she was right


numberswoman 14

You obviously didn't get your intelligence from your dad. Thank goodness!

what silly logic. am I aspiring to be a global super villain if I study international relations and I like the bond films? Do I intend to bring on a zombie apocalypse if I am a physiology major and enjoy the walking dead?

in answer to your questions, yes, yes you are

No comments about living with your dad/parents and working on a major? Get your own place

rawlings123 17

college is pretty expensive. get off his ass

If he is a full-time student how do you expect him to pay his fees AND rent?

If you're living with your parents you kinda have to expect them to do whatever they want, its their house, not yours. And yes, college is expensive, that's why you get a job

olpally 32

The 2nd time? Do you look like a potential drug dealer op? Haha. Your dad is crazy btw. He needs to stop watching tv for a bit.

well I believe op's dad's reasoning is quite plausible. remember when twilight came out and people were acting stupid and biting each other to show their love? hey! that was tv too but people still did it

who the hell would rate this as 'you deserved it' ?

Obey_StudBoii 23

Are you sure your dad isn't the one doing drugs? From the looks of it, it sounds as if he is. With the Paranoia and all.

Well obviously we all do what TV tells us no matter what... And it works! This is why I am now a teenage mutant ninja turtle just because... Also I hunt demons in a 1970s muscle car with my sibling, with a fallen angel randomly popping up. Our parents are dead, and we by mistake started the apocalypse... Yeah I probably should not have watched supernatural... Considering how real TV is. But it just had such good looking people in the show. How could I not? Seriously your dad does understand TV is not real right? You may need to speak to him about Santa clause as well. Good luck with that.

If you're a chemistry major, why do you still live with your parents.

NatalieOntheTram 11

Are we Chem Majors not allowed to live with our parents? Your comment confuses me.

You have to move out the day you turn 18 or else you're a loser and a worthless human being. /s