By WaltTheFuckDad - 01/09/2013 23:06 - United States - Salida

Today, my dad tore my room apart for the second time, looking for drug-making equipment. His reasoning is that I must be dealing drugs, because I'm a chemistry major who likes to watch Breaking Bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 376
You deserved it 3 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time stay in the doorway and keep saying "cold, cold, warmer, warmer, cold again" just to freak him out.

My mom thought I was gay because I watch Glee. Turns out she was right


You're in college. Why are you still living with your parents?

Not all colleges have dorms and apartments are pricy depending on where you live. That on top of this bad job market and the difficulty some people would have trying to go to school full-time while also having a full-time job.

Or maybe he's on drugs and needs your stash

Start to search his stuff too. Then tell him you do this for his own good, because you think that he was indeed searching for drugs, but only to take them for himself. Tell him you are afraid he might be a drug addict and begin to observe him closely in a way he has to realise it. Whenever he is taking medicine etc act very concerned and claim he is only taking the medicine in order to counteract withdrawal symptoms. Do this with beer etc as well, you can even claim he is a multi-abuser. Hopefully he will finally get it.

Is there anyone else who doesn't watch breaking bad?!

kate3101 15

Nope. You're completely alone. Actually I only started watching myself a few months ago. Have now reached S5. It's like a dru-... Oh.

Haha my dad asked me to teach him to make Meth after I get my PhD.

Only like four more weeks until it's done, so then no worries. Or less. I just started watching a week ago. Almost to season four, hopefully I'll be caught up to watch the end with everyone else.