By Saphira - 11/11/2009 06:43 - United States

Today, my dad's girlfriend threw me a birthday party and all the gifts, decorations, and the cake were according to my age, which they thought was 12. I turned 13 today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 252
You deserved it 8 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IllegalLight 0

If your dad's girlfriend is like 35 or whatever.. get her a 40 year old balloon on her next birthday :P She won't be happy either.

Kylias 6

Aww, that sucks. Congrats and happy birthday! And congratulations on being 13 and typing more coherently than most of the older crowd.


Trebie 6

Can you people try to see the forest through the trees? The OP is, more than likely, not terrible upset about the party decorations being the wrong number. What probably happened is she pointed out the mistake, felt disappointed for a while, and then got into the groove of the celebration and got over it. BUT Having a father who is too full of himself/too full of his girlfriend/whatever other excuse there is to remember his own child's age, is sad. For some people (obviously not some of the people here), family is important, and even the most amazing and bad-ass party will not make up for the lack of affection, attention, and love from a parent. Or at least, this is my assumption. If the OP is really sad about the age mistake and nothing more... Well, then, I stand corrected. And by the way, I am 20 years old, and have not had a birthday party since I was 13, but I find a great deal of enjoyment when someone acknowledges my special day. I'd be a bit upset if someone guessed my age incorrectly as well.

why are there so many bitchy adults complaining about there lives on this comment,and why are there people saying the girl who posted this FMl is a bad person,for god sakes people her dad forgot how old she was i think that is atleast a little Fml worthy,I mean seriously.

I'm an 11 year old too. I honestly don't care what anybody else says because they can't kick me off this site. So, shut the **** up about age.

I agree. I'm just gonna laugh when them 20 year olds are old are 34 while I'm 25

you little children need 2get off this website. you think u know everything but ur just a bunch of dumb little 12year olds. face it ur still a child so go play with ur barbies

Are you sure you're an adult #245? You sure don't write like one. Let me offer you some advice: mebbe u need 2 go back to skool.

I think the younger generation get selfish by the minute

well if no-one else has bothered saying it, happy birthday :-)

iGrenade 0

gtfo kid, you don't belong here.

vynns 0

I've never had a single birthday party in my whole life but I'm not saying FML. Looks like someone needs a WAAAAMBULANCE.

Just because your parents never cared enough to throw you a birthday party doesn't mean you have to take it out on some teenage. Why is everyone being such a douche bag to this kid? Birthday parties actually mean something to some people. Happy 13th kid. Don't pay attention to everyone else, they're just a bunch of losers that have nothing else to do than harp on some young kid.

vynns 0

Oh, so you are another one of them who likes making assumptions about people because they are *obviously* butthurting over not having parties thrown for them and therefore feel a compulsive need to attack a hapless teenager for posting a FML that isn't really a FML. Throw your moralistic barbs at someone else if you want to play white knight for this kid. All I'm doing is telling OP to realise that there are worse things in life than having a birthday cake with one number wrong.