By Saphira - 11/11/2009 06:43 - United States

Today, my dad's girlfriend threw me a birthday party and all the gifts, decorations, and the cake were according to my age, which they thought was 12. I turned 13 today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 252
You deserved it 8 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IllegalLight 0

If your dad's girlfriend is like 35 or whatever.. get her a 40 year old balloon on her next birthday :P She won't be happy either.

Kylias 6

Aww, that sucks. Congrats and happy birthday! And congratulations on being 13 and typing more coherently than most of the older crowd.


anonymous69_fml 0

i can definitely see how easy it is to make that mistake, especially since you were 12 during the party planning. the thought is what's important. i'm sure if you pointed it out she would have ran to the dollar store and quickly gotten you a new candle and the party would still be the same.

Today, i threw my boyfriends daughter a party. i screwed up, embarssed myself and now feel like shit.fml. Did u ever think about ur dads girlfriends feelings? yeah turing 13 IS a big deal (kind of) and im sure she feels realy bad. At least she tryed to do something for you. bulid a bridge and get over it.

You're right! How could that stupid woman not pay attention to your needs as a poor helpless ungrateful bitch! The nerve! I say you cry and complain until she throws you another party.

sterotype 2

oh no u should run away from home cause u got it so bad be happy u got cake and presents

Good you got presents 'n stuffs, but it really is terrible they did something like that. But people think "twelve-year-old presents" are ponies and stuffed animals. Most twelve-year-old girls would want clothes and stuff like that. Weird they didn't figure out you were thirteen. Even the girlfriend shouldn't be THAT stupid. One time, on my 11th birthday, I went to a restaurant and the waitress asked if I was turning eight.

offmycloud 0

Holy shit, reading these comments makes me scared. How many prepubescent kids are there here? And that's not an fml. Don't be such a brat and appreciate that she made such an effort to make your day special.

How the hell did this even make it on here? You're 13, there is nothing in your life right now that could warrant an FML.

WOW_idc123 0

Ok im 13. so that means I'm automactilly stupid, a brat, and annoyin?. You can't just say that just because of someone's age. People think I'm mature for my age and they feel sorry for me because lots of other people are immature. I really hate it when people judge every kid just because of a few bad apples. And you can't tell people to get off a website. Do you own it? Uhh no. and look i made a point without cussing. Unlike some people on this website to claim to be more mature cuss in like almost every sentence.

Cloudy_fml 0

How the hell is this an FML!? You should feel grateful that she tried to do something nice for you.