By Saphira - 11/11/2009 06:43 - United States

Today, my dad's girlfriend threw me a birthday party and all the gifts, decorations, and the cake were according to my age, which they thought was 12. I turned 13 today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 252
You deserved it 8 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IllegalLight 0

If your dad's girlfriend is like 35 or whatever.. get her a 40 year old balloon on her next birthday :P She won't be happy either.

Kylias 6

Aww, that sucks. Congrats and happy birthday! And congratulations on being 13 and typing more coherently than most of the older crowd.


iamelrebel 0

OP, quit complaining. I never got a birthday party. My parents never gave a shit.

I havn't spoken to my dad in years and his girllfriend doesn't give a shit about me so stop complaining. And everyone stop acting like you have the right to tell people wheather they're alowd on this site cause you don't so shut the **** up

shiarrael 13

This isn't an FML. I stopped getting birthday parties at all when I was TEN. It's not the end of a the freaking world, jeez.

smartieee 0

stop complaining, at least they remembered it was your birthday.

zawed 1

Ohh stop whining. At least they threw you a party and everything. You got the whole sha-bang. I'd be grateful she'd try at all.

wow at 13 I was thinking about freaking pokemon lulz I got my first gf at 15....and still thought about freaking pokemon

Dude, at least she cares about you and is trying. YDI for whining.

I'm 11 years old! :D (someone's gonna bitch now)

How many kids at that age don't know how old their parents or grandparents are? Just saying... OP, your dad and his girlfriend might have made a mistake, but so what? It's not like they don't love you just because they think you're turning 12. lol And you didn't have to celebrate your 12th birthday either just 'cause the decoration said so. Tell them you're turning 13 and stop crying. -.-You got a party, for god's sake! And by the way...who says her father doesn't know how old she is anyway? I'd rather say it's his girlfriend who bought the decoration and stuff (I mean... he's a man, you know? XD) and who says she asked him how old his daughter was? She might have thought she knew how old her boyfriend's daughter was and bought the stuff. Well, she was wrong about it. No big deal.

Your stupidity amazes me. -.- Her own dad thought she was turning 12. That's pretty ****** up.

Oh yeah, sure. He can't love his daughter when she's 12 and not 13, it's impossible for people to mix things up and of course you never make mistakes! lol

theblazian 0

My dad mistakes my name for my other 2 siblings and thought I turned 19 two months ago when i turned 20.... I'm so hated by my family I think I'm going to commit suicide.

Happy birthday you are now legally eligible to be on the internet without/with less parental supervision!