By Princess - 28/05/2009 18:17 - United States

Today, my cell phone service was interrupted because I owed the company 27 cents. It cost 36 dollars to reinstate my service. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 129
You deserved it 11 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's kinda the problem with computers... any human would have just been like "whatever."


Thats rediculous. You should vent by abusing the phone company. 27c used to buy you a bag of lollies. These days it will only get you a $36 infringement.

Well, that sucks. But you can't do much about it!

I just had that happen to me. I had gotten a text message from my service stating the amount due (My payments don't change. Yay for solid price contracts!) so I replied with "pay online." I went online, input the amount the text message said, and they accepted it. The next day (The day the bill was actually due..) my phone was turned off. Turns out, the computer sent an error message. And, having called and been told the only valid way to fix the few cent error was to pay it, I paid... Except I then had to add $20 because they "don't process credit card transactions under a $20 limit.) The only good thing is my credit card is actually my atm/debit card. =/

lindzXcore 0

yeah ive been charged over $4000 in total, because sprint has ****** up on their side. ive gotten out of paying it though. #32

My bank tried to charge me $39 because of an overdraft of .07. I bitched them out so hard and for so long that not only did they refund me, they gave me overdraft protection of about $200. Never underestimate the power of a good cuss-out.

Jade_Rothwell 0

I worked for a cell company.. that doesn't make sense.. they do not (at least the one i have and also the one i work for) charge a reconnect fee unless you leave your account passed do more than that and for over a year.. then they get rid of it... but that situation doesnt sound right...

The best is when a bank charges you money for having an inactive account, bounces it, and then applies the overage charges to your account.

Phone companies suck. They should have worked w/ you on that, but I've heard of some that won't.