By Princess - 28/05/2009 18:17 - United States

Today, my cell phone service was interrupted because I owed the company 27 cents. It cost 36 dollars to reinstate my service. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 129
You deserved it 11 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's kinda the problem with computers... any human would have just been like "whatever."


mikefeuer 0

I would fight that - esp. if your been with them for a good while, saying that your loyal etc. Its alot easier to keep a customer than to find a new one

AnaMaree 0

The joys of bureaucracy. Either that, or they have a computer running everything that automatically shuts off your service if you don't pay every penny.

#34: You better believe it, there's a reason hy there's so many credit cards out there ... Seriously, pay your bills!

verizon sent my dad a bill for $0.01. they actually lost money because the postage was more than the bill.

TWENTY SEVEN CENTS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS! Next time, pay the company. Don't assume that the company won't care about twenty seven cents! I'm surprised they didn't take away your house and furniture. TWENTY SEVEN CENTS IS WORSE THAN LIFE OR DEATH! I hope you learned a lesson.

briana83 0

Someone had to pay a $.07 electric bill where I work. We charge customers a dollar to pay their bills through us. FYL

nikki1001 0

Even if you don't owe much, call and see if they want it. We once owed Verizon $.65 and I called and the woman cracked up and said not to worry, they wouldn't cancel service over $.65 and to just pay it the following month when our bill was more. Moral of the story: Know what you owe and double check with the company before ignoring it.

*****. *****. *****. *****. Motherfucking *****. :|