By Princess - 28/05/2009 18:17 - United States

Today, my cell phone service was interrupted because I owed the company 27 cents. It cost 36 dollars to reinstate my service. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 129
You deserved it 11 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's kinda the problem with computers... any human would have just been like "whatever."


If they don't refund you the $36, report them to the better business bureau. If what you say is extactly true than it is ridiculous. They could have just carried it over to the next bill. I've been having so much problems lately with companys and pricing. I keept going back to price match. The manager at one store was appaled at what I was charged for something and why I wasn't given the discount.

I'm not sure who is really at fault, the phone company should have notified you sooner...At the same time, you should constantly check your usage, in case of situations like this.

aldpeace 0

I would change service ASAP. Unless your under a 2 year contract or somethng b cuz that is stupid as hell. Any company that is going to be as shitty as that over a few cents doesn't deserve you as a customer. Sounds to me like it was just a way top get more money out of you. Sorry that does suck though.

$36.00 over 27 cents is a little ridiculous but again most companies have automated systems and the systems don't give a crap if your late or not.

Nice going. Next time pay the whole bill.

collegeshmollege 0

Now you know to pay your bill.

That doesn't make any sense...your cell phone provider must suck ass.

i agree with 52..fyl...stupid cell phone companies! they have no mercy!

#49 and #53 have the right idea. $.27 is a multiple of 9 which means it's likely to be a digit swap error. Probably the bill ended in .96 and the poster wrote/typed .69 instead. I agree the provider *should* not have interrupted service, but you do always have to assume that they *will,* for any reason they can dig up.

#31: A text message is nowhere near 1-10 kb, a text message can only hold 160 characters, or 160 bytes. That would make it about 256b, giving room for forwarding and other things. Text messages actually cost literally nothing, since they are attached to messages that are sent regardless of whether or not they have a text message. You could send a text message every few seconds and it wouldn't cost the phone company any more than if you sent none. Also, your numbers for the internet usage are off, you would only use your entire 100kbps if every webpage was 100kb or larger, and that's actually quite large for the average webpage (this one is only 13kb). You do have the right idea though, and I agree that cell phone companies always try to rip off the customer. #34: Habeeb it.