By cek4uytp - 25/06/2011 06:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend caught me in a lie about being on my period. He memorized my menstrual cycle, but still forgot that today is my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 757
You deserved it 18 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yourlifesfucked 0

Anyone else wondering why she was lying about her period?


well, guess you know what you mean to him now, a piece he doesn't want to get pregnant

Or he's like most guys out there and didn't want to have sex with her on her period - she probably told him she wasn't on it in order to get sex. It's not always the situation you mentioned...

overthedeepend90 3

If you have to lie to get out of sex, why should he learn your birthday.

If you're not happy with him, why are you with him? Also, happy birthday! :)

Playful1985 9

Some women have PMDD which is a violent version of pms. It can be corrected with hormone shots.

talensledge1 0